Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Synoptic Gospels Unit 2 Review

Jesus’ Galilean Ministry (approximately 18 months of His ministry time or 1/2)

Chapter 3

The Beatitudes are divided into two groups: The quality and expressions of Christian character. The qualities of Christian character depend on Christ to supply their need, have a spirit of repentance/desire to change, submit to authority, and hunger for a right relationship with Christ and don’t entertain wrong desires. The expressions of Christian character imitate God, make/keep peace, and accept persecution for the end result perseverance.

Jesus focused on the root of sin. Anger is not a sin, but can lead to it if we don’t yield to the Holy Spirit and let it produce the fruit of self-control in us. We can be tempted, Christ was tempted, but we are not to choose to enter into temptation. We need to allow Jesus to be the Lord of our thoughts.

Love changes the heart by focusing on the cause of people’s actions.

We can determine true and false teachings by the fruit of the Spirit in them.

Chapter 4

Jesus did not allow the societal taboos of the day keep Him from doing His Father's work, the laws and traditions of man did not restrict Him. Jesus came to defeat sin, sickness, death, and evil.

Jesus has the authority to forgive sins. He conquered the grave for believers to be resurrected..

In 1 John 4:4 he says "Greater is He that is in us than he that is the world". Christians have power over demons through the name of Jesus.

The plans people have for themselves are diminutive compared to God's plans for them.

Jesus wants us to be harvesters. (Matthew 9:37-38) "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest , therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."

Harvesting depends on God's timing, God's power, pure motives, wisdom & gentleness, speaking of God with confidence, and faithful people.

Chapter 5

John the baptist-Discouraged. This section was particularly insightful for me. I hit a wall. I was discouraged with some things in my personal life and then I read this. John the Baptist was discouraged. He sent his disciples to ask Jesus (while he was in prison and after he had baptized Jesus) are you really the guy we're looking for? We get discouraged because things don't happen the way we want them too, or in the time we want them too. But Jesus's response to John's discouragement is how we need to handle our own. 1. Remind ourselves of the good He's done and 2. Remind ourselves that things don't always happen when we think they should.

God's promises are true, His timing is right and He can be trusted even when there is no understanding.

Jesus was gentile with those that refused Him.

Jesus taught in parables: they were safe, they illustrate and preserve truth, they get into a person's heart.

Chapter 6

When people use what they have for God, He works miracles.

He shows mercy to those in need.

Jesus was God in flesh.

Hard hearts prevent people from understanding how others feel. Be aware of hardened hearts (not seeing or hearing others well).

James 1:2-4 Trials are used to perfect faith.

Pray to discern God's purpose.

God waits for us to express our desires (Peter asked to come out on the water). Step out in faith, only with an invitation. Not all the disciples were invited to walk on water.

The pharisees did the right things, with the wrong motives. Without the right motives our worship is in vain. (Matt. 15:8-9)

Tradition must be subject to the Bible.

The way to guard against false teaching, according to Jesus: 1. Be on guard and 2. Study good teaching-teachings that confirm the Bible.

Synoptic Gospels Unit 1 Review

Chapter 1

1.  There are four hundred years between the Old Testament and the events that take place in Matthew.

2.  There are three main things that contribute to the significant changes that took place in the world during this 400 years preparing us for Christ’s coming.  They are: The Greek Period:  Alexander the Great conquered the Persian empire and much of the known world.  He Hellenized the world-spread Greek culture and influence everywhere he ruled-forcing people to accept Greek culture.  The Independent Period:  The Maccabees, revolted.  The Pharisees began during this time.  They were the Jews that resisted the Hellenists assaults and closely guarded their faith, nation, and culture. The Roman Period:  brought about Pax Romana (Roman Peace) a time of law, order and peace.  The Greek Language was universally used at this time and the romans developed a complex system of roads for trade.  All these things both helped prepare the world for Christ and allow for easier spread of the Gospel. 

3.  The five songs of Christmas found in Luke chapter 1 give us a picture of what life was like for the Jews at this time.  There is so much I could say here, but I’ll just sum it up for this review as this:  Mary-humble; Elizabeth-grateful; Zechariah-hesitant; The Angels-Praise; Simeon-anticipated. –ask me for more info if you’re interested Smile.

4.  Christ’s lineage goes back to David on both sides.  Women mentioned in Matthew are gentiles.  Unusual at that time to list women or gentiles in someone’s lineage.  Show’s Christ’s connection to us all.


Chapter 2

Jesus sets the example for us to follow.

1.  By being baptized.  Making a public statement of faith.

2.  How He handled temptation.  His response to Satan was to use scripture against Satan.  It is important to see that Jesus did not just stick to one scripture but he resisted physical, spiritual, and personal temptation through the balance of God’s Word.

3.  Jesus preached repentance through His ministry. 

Monday, March 28, 2011


I am setting up this blog as a study journal.  I am taking online courses through Global University and this is where I will share what I am learning.  As a 37 year old woman who was raised in church, I’m amazed at how many things have slipped passed me academically when it comes to the Bible.  So, as I learn (or re-learn) come experience God’s Word in what I hope will be a fresh new way for you.  I’ll take you through the studies and I’ll be very candid and open about what I don’t already know.  I’m not ashamed to say that I’m learning things now, because I’m proud to be willing to grow and okay with the fact that I don’t know it all yet, or in some cases, know surprising little. 

I hope you enjoy my take on God’s Word and my Global studies as much as I enjoy sharing with you.  Thanks for reading!